Soul Level Animal Communication®
Beyond communication on a whole new level!
Service Description
Ever wonder what your pet's thinking when they do the things they do? Our beloved animals incarnate into this life to help with the lessons our Soul has chosen to work on in this lifetime. Soul Level Animal Communication® takes communicating with our beloved animals to a whole new level! Behavioral issues we're experiencing from our pets, both funny and frustrating, are helping us to evolve as humans! When connecting deeply with our pets on this level, they share the bigger picture as to why their behaving the way they do and how this behavior is showing something within ourselves we've come here to learn and work on. Here are a few results that can come from a Soul Level Reading.... ♥ Answers to questions you have for your pet ♥ Help in solving your pet's behavioral issues ♥ Learn a lesson your pet is teaching you ♥Closer bond with your pet than you had before ♥Learning how your pet is feeling ♥Learning about yourself and how to grow Soul Level Animal Communication® 45 Minute Reading- During this more in-depth Intuitive Reading, I'll intuitively connect in with you and then with your pet. You'll be able to ask 2 questions about your animal and then we'll proceed into a more in-depth look at what Soul Level Lesson your pet is working on with you!
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